View attachment 1843
Also, we haven't had a boar-charging-rock-esque sidequest / secret in a long time. Would be nice to see one requiring the monkeys throwing something at something else.
I support this. We'll just have to find a fitting spot to put it in, perhaps somewhere in the third and final zone of Tai Ming. If I remember correctly from our prototype layouts, it's a bit sparse when it comes to secrets
On a whole different note, I would just like to give all of you playtesters, new and old, a truly heartfelt thank you.
Some of you have stuck around with us for what feels like forever, and you still provide us with such deep and thorough play throughs of ever new update we drop. It just blows my mind.
I feel like a broken record (that's been broken ever since the very first time we let people into the closed beta years back) but your feedback is worth gold to us. Thanks for being part of the development and helping us make Grindea better than we ever could on our own! MUCH LOVE <3