New Bug: In the ESC menu, your area-portrait shows Old Tai Ming in the entrance of Puzzle World. One screen up you're shown as being in New Tai Ming, even though you're still in Old Tai Ming. Going into the portal and leaving it puts your area-portrait as Old Tai Ming properly.
But shouldn't Puzzle World have it's own area-portrait? I think the Toy Factory, another mini-dungeon, does.
Bug 2: DoT fire makes... squeaky sounds? Wtf?
So, non-bug related thoughts on the update, on Normal Mode.
The concept of the monkey is great. It's current implementation seems a bit buggy, though, or his script was tweaked to make him much less of a chaser since the Echo of Madness already fills that role. Monkey mainly seems to run around the screen at random, rarely engaging me in combat. It seems a rarity that he gets to pick up an ally and fling it, too. Seems like he would be much more threatening if his script was:
- Is there an Echo + non-monkey enemies alive? 100% Avoid the player, only punching if they get in melee range. Pick up enemies, throw them at player.
- Are no Echos present + non-monkey enemies alive? 50% aggro player, 50% throw enemies.
- Are no Echos present + only monkey enemies alive? 100% aggro player.
Maybe the script is different in hard mode, though, because they seemed to enjoy running around aimlessly on my Normal playthrough. Might just have to test a bit more, though.
I really hope that the Puzzle World is just a teaser of what's to come deeper in the temple, or at Puzzle Tower later in the game. I was looking forward to at least more than one timeshifting+phaseshifting puzzle, a good headscratcher in terms of difficulty.
Being locked out of the first area is a bit strange, when progressing to the second. I hope that we'll be able to revisit all the areas in the past when the temple is completed? All those shops, treasures, etc I'd hate to miss out on.
It's nice to see Jerk Physics in SoG. Breaking things resulting in an NPC getting annoyed, or a girl crying, was a really nice touch!
The bossfight was really fun! Seeing the super-worm was a thrill, too, like - wow, I get to fight this thing? Awesome. Watching it get one-hit KO'd was kind of a letdown.

I hope it comes back in the future as an optional superboss battle. Easy to see a movelist for it. Sucking in players, munching them up and spitting them out. Firing spikes in random directions. Etc.
Monkey puzzle room really needs to be tinkered so that the monkeys can't accidentally drop the key. If it's possible to do nothing and watch them hurl the key on the floor it seems to be working wrong.
Minor amounts of lag fighting outside the Collector HQ in the present in single player, at times. In multiplayer it can get bad enough that my 1-hand swing attacks sometimes just suddenly stop swinging for a second, no matter how much I mash the key.
The monkey would make for a really great pet! Might be nice to see a secret cave somewhere with a friendly monkey in it, where you're painted on the walls as a hero for saving them. Ungrateful gits.
Getting all the secret treasures in Tai Ming was rather enjoyable.